- Available: Sometimes
- Age: 18
- Animal: Neah
- Birthday/Birthplace: 18 august/Municipal
- Best Friends: Raluci, Liza, Cristina, Dana, Liv, Alex and much more
- Body Part on opposite sex: Your blue eyes
- Best feeling in the world: Love&happiness
- Best weather: Ploaie de vara
- Been in Love: Da
- Been on stage?: Nu
- Believe in yourself?:Nu chiar
- Believe in life on other planets: Yes.Somewhere over the rainbow
- Believe in miracles: Da
- Believe in Magic: Da.
-Believe in God: Da
- Believe in Satan: Daca exista bine, exista si rau
- Believe in Santa: Logic.Nu exista???
- Believe in Ghosts/spirits: Not so much
- Believe in Evolution:Da
- Car: Lamborghini Diablo purple.
- Candy: Toblerone
- Color: Mov, negru
- Cried in school: Da
- Chocolate/Vanilla: Chocolate
- Chinese/Mexican: Mexican.
- Cake or pie: Chocolate cake
- Countries to visit: Italia,Anglia,Franta, Portugalia, Elvetia,Egipt,Peru,USA(New york)
- Day or Night: Night.
- Dream vehicle: A black functional car
- Danced: Da
- Danced in the rain?: Da
- Danced in the middle of the street?: Da
- Eggs: Da
- Eyes: Green
- Everyone has: Issues
- Ever failed a class? Nu
- First crush: La gradinita.Il chema Razvan si eram colegi de patut.Pana cand l-au mutat, n-a mai vorbit cu mine
- First thoughts waking up: Fuck the school
- Food: Pizza
- Fruits:Peaches
- Greatest Fear: Being rejected and fear of hightes
- Goals: Oho...multe.Timp sa am
- Gum: Orbit verde
- Get along with your parents? Sometimes
- Good luck charms: un breloc pe care il am de cand eram mica si o bratara.
- Hair Colour: Azi???
- Height: 1,63 (aprox.)
- Happy: Once in a while
- Holidays: Christmas.
- How do you want to die: Bitten by a vampire
- Hate: Oamenii mincinosii
I (In guys/girls)
- Eye colour: Green
- Hair Color: Bruneti
- Height: Taller than me
- Clothing Style:Whatever
- Ice Cream: Chocolate
- Instrument: Chitara
- Job: Eleva, in timpul liber ma ocup cu enervarea persoanelor din jur (just kidding:))) si citesc
- Kids: Lovely.Am cea mai frumoasa verisoara din lume
- Kickboxing or karate: Niciuna
- Keep a journal? Blogul se pune???
Da, am unul de vreo 5 ani
- Longest Car Ride: 20 h
- Love: Love is only for some people
- Love at first sight: Nu cred
-Life:Sucks and then you die
- Milk flavour: Chocolate
- Movie: Titanic, Interviu cu un vampir, Twilight, Paulie, LOTR, Sex and the city, A walk to remember, Sweet November, Serendipity, Final destination etc
- Marriage: Not now
- Motion sickness?: Nu
- McD’s or KFC: Mc
- Number of Siblings: One
- Number of Piercings: 3
- Number: 6 si 8
- Nickname: Jo
- One wish: To have more wishes
- One phobia: Hights
- Place you’d like to live: Italia
- Pepsi/Coke: Coke
- Questionnaires: Me likes ‘em.
- Reason to cry: Somebody lost
- Reality T.V.: Survivor
- Radio Station: Magic fm si Kiss fm
- Roll your tongue in a circle?: Da
- Song: Cry me a river
- Shoe size: 38
- Slept outside: Da
- Seen a dead body?: Da
- Smoked?: Da
- Shower daily?: Duh.
- Sing well?: Nu
- In the shower?: Absolutely.
- Swear?: Cateodata
- Stuffed Animals?: Fara numar.
- Single/Group dates: Single
- Strawberries/Blueberries: Strawberries.
- Scientists need to invent: SIDA antidot
- Time for bed: 00
- Thunderstorms: I'm a little afraid
- Touch your tongue to your nose?:I can't
- Understanding: Sometimes
- Vegetable you hate: Spanac
- Vegetable you love: Varza
- Weakness: I don't belive in myself
- When you grow up: I don't want to grow up:(:((:((
- Which one of your friends acts the most like you: Dana
- Who makes you laugh the most: Tickling.
- Wanted to be a model?: No way.
- Where do we go when we die: Somewhere.
- Worst weather: Canicula
- Walk with a book on your head?: Cand eram micuta
- X-Rays: Si???
-Year it is now: 2009
-Yellow: Not really
- Zoo animal: Monkeys
- Zodiac sign: Leu
Cam atat.
Pleaca la Raluci si Liviu.
Lumea nu e făcută pentru oameni singuri.
Acum un an
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I know you love me...